2016. Ph.D., 2012. M.A. Classics. Fordham University.
1998. B.A. English Textual Studies & Magazine Journalism. Syracuse University.
Amor Belli: Elegiac Diction and the Theme of Love in Lucan’s Bellum Civile. Directed by Prof. Matthew McGowan, Fordham University, Classics. [abstract]
Research Interests
Computational philology, digital humanities, Latin poetry, Classics pedagogy
2024. “(Re)active Latin: Computational Chat as Future colloquia,” New England Classical Journal 51(1). [article][abstract]
2022. “Senecan Trimeter and Humanist Tragedy,” American Journal of Philology 143: 475-503. [abstract]
2022. “Tesserae Intertext Service,” Digital Humanities Quarterly 16(1). [article]
2019. “The Future of Ancient Literacy: Classical Language Toolkit and Google Summer of Code,” Classics@ 17, special issue on ancient literacies. Co-written with K. Johnson and L. Hollis. [article][abstract]
2018. “Creating Stoplists for Historical Languages,” Digital Classics Online 4(2):4-20. [article]
2017. “Measuring and Mapping Intergeneric Allusion in Latin Poetry using Tesserae,” Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities. Special Issue on Computer-Aided Processing of Intertextuality in Ancient Languages. [article]
2024. “Leveraging Part-of-Speech Tagging for Enhanced Stylometry of Latin Literature,” in J. Pavlopoulos, T. Sommerschield, Y. Assael, S. Gordin, K. Cho, M. Passarotti, R. Sprugnoli, Y.Liu, B. Li, and A. Anderson,. eds. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Machine Learning for Ancient Languages (ML4AL 2024). Co-authored with S. Chen, T.J. Bolt, P. Chaudhuri, and J. Dexter. [paper]
2021. “The Classical Language Toolkit: An NLP Framework for Pre-Modern Languages,” at The Joint Conference of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (ACL-IJCNLP 2021). Co-authored with K.P. Johnson, John Stewart, Todd Cook, Clément Besnier, and William Mattingly. [paper]
2021. “Profiling of Intertextuality in Latin Literature Using Word Embeddings,” in Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. Co-authored with J.A. Brofos, K. Li, P. Chaudhuri, and J.P. Dexter. [paper]
Data papers
2024. “A Database of Intertexts in Valerius Flaccus’ Argonautica 1: A Benchmarking Resource for the Evaluation of Computational Intertextual Search of Latin Corpora,” Journal of Open Humanities Data in Special Collection: Representing the Ancient World through Data. Co-authored with J.P. Dexter, P. Chaudhuri, E.D. Adams, T.J. Bolt, A. Cásarez, J.H. Flynt, K. Li, J.F. Patterson, A. Schwartz, and S. Shumway. [paper]
2023. “LatinCy: Synthetic Trained Pipelines for Latin NLP.” arxiv:2305.04365 [cs.CL]. [abstract][preprint]
2020. “Latin BERT: A Contextual Language Model for Classical Philology.” arXiv:2009.10053 [cs.CL]. Co-written with D. Bamman. [abstract][preprint]
2023. “Language is Not a Default Setting: Countering DH’s English Problem,” chapter in Debates in the Digital Humanities 2023, ed. M.K. Gold and L.F. Klein. U. Minnesota Press. Co-written with Q. Dombrowski.
2020. “Autodidacts and the ‘Promise’ of Digital Classics,” chapter in Digital Approaches to Teaching the Ancient Mediterranean, ed. W. Caraher and S. Heath. Digital Press at U. North Dakota: 83-95. [chapter][abstract]
2019. “Building a Text Analysis Pipeline for Classical Languages,” chapter in Digital Classical Philology, ed. M. Berti. DeGruyter: 159-176. [chapter]
2024. “Do You Remember Being natus?: Some Thoughts on Latin Verse Composition and Artificial Intelligence.” Classical Outlook 99(3): 206–9.
2018. “Permanent Like Achilles.” University Bookman. Review of R.F. Thomas, Why Bob Dylan Matters. (HarperCollins, 2017). [link]
2017. Review of “Opera Latina”. Society for Classical Studies Blog. [link]
2017. “Latin Einstein on the Beach.” University Bookman. Review of R.T. Foster and D.P. McCarthy, Ossa Latinitatis Sola, or, The Mere Bones of Latin according to the Thought & System of Reginald. (Catholic University of American Press, 2016). [link]
2017. Classical World 110.2. Review of B.Walters, Lucan: Civil War and S. Lombardo, Statius: Achilleid. (Hackett Publishing Company, 2015). DOI 10.1353/clw.2017.0016. [link][pdf]
2012. Classical Outlook 89.2. Review of P.L. Chambers, The Natural Histories of Pliny the Elder. (Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 2012). [jstor][sample]
Academic Development
NLP Resources
2025. LatinCy v3.8.0 (la_core_web_sm, la_core_web_md, la_core_web_lg, la_core_web_trf); Latin language model for spaCy. First published 2023. [model][project]
2019. Digital Humanities Beyond Modern English. Co-organizer with Pramit Chaudhuri and Joseph Dexter. Dartmouth College. April 23-25. [site]
2018. Future Philologies: Digital Directions in Text for Historical Languages. Organizer. Institute for the Study of the Ancient World. April 20. [site]
Conference Panels
2024. “Future Most Vivid: Creating the Conditions for Human-AI Collaboration in Classical Studies.” Co-organizer with Clifford Robinson. Annual Meeting of the Society of Classical Studies, Chicago, IL. January 5.
2019. “Computational Tools & the Cross-Cultural Study of Literature.” Panelist with Tanya Clement, Grace Fong, and Carrie Schroeder; moderated by Jacqueline Wernimont. Digital Humanities Beyond Modern English. Dartmouth College. April 25.
Conference Sessions
2019. “Ancient Makerspaces: Digital Classics Workshop.” Co-organizer with David Ratzan. Annual Meeting of the Society of Classical Studies, Boston, MA. January 6. [site]
2018. “Ancient Makerspaces: Digital Classics Workshop.” Co-organizer with David Ratzan. Annual Meeting of the Society of Classical Studies, Boston, MA. January 6. [site]
2017. “Digital Approaches to Latin Vocabulary Acquisition.” Co-organizer with John Muccigrosso. Classical Association of the Atlantic States Annual Meeting, New York City, NY. October 6.
2017. “Ancient Makerspaces: Digital Classics Workshop.” Co-organizer with David Ratzan, panel moderator. Annual Meeting of the Society of Classical Studies, Toronto, Ont. [site]
Conference Papers
2025. “Rebuilding the Library of Al3xandr!a: Latin Post-OCR Correction as a Philological Task,” TK. September 24. [abstract]
2025. “Neo-Latin as a Pragmatic Source of Language Model Training Data,” International Association for Neo-Latin Studies Congress (IANLS2025). Aix-en-Provence, France. July 16. [abstract]
2024. “The Collocations You Really Need to Know,” Classical Association of the Atlantic States Annual Meeting (CAAS2024). New Brunswick, NJ. October 18. [abstract]
2024. “Latin in an Environment of Infinite Extensive Reading,” Classical Association of New England Annual Meeting (CANE2024). Durham, NH. March 22. [abstract]
2023. “Intertextuality and Latin Language Models, or a Grammar of Subword Allusion,” Classical Texts in Digital Media. U. of Patras. Patras, Greece. September 2. [abstract]
2023. “Dialogism in Ancient Greek and Latin Epic,” Digital Approaches to Direct Speech Representation in Greek and Latin Epic. Mount Allison University. Sackville, New Brunswick. May 31.
2023. “The Future Is Collaborative: Historical Psychology in Latin Texts,” Humanities Forward. Oxford University. Oxford, UK. May 16. Co-written with Jennifer Devereaux, Mohammad Atari, Joseph P. Dexter, and Pramit Chaudhuri.
2023. “How Much Latin Does ChatGPT ‘Know’?” Classical Association of New England Annual Meeting (CANE2023). Needham, MA. March 17. [abstract]
2023. “Measuring Emotional Content in Historical Text through Classification and Lexicon Construction,” Historical Psychology pre-conference workshop, SPSP2023. Atlanta, GA. [abstract]
2023. “Streamlining historical-language text processing with CLTK Readers,” Ancient Makerspaces, Society of Classical Studies Annual Meeting (SCS2023). New Orleans, LA. January 7. [abstract]
2022. “Exploring Poeticness and Synonymy in Epic Speech with Latin Language Models,” Digital Approaches to Direct Speech Representation in Greek and Latin Epic. Universität Rostock. Rostock, Germany. July 1.
2022. “An ‘Exploratory’ Approach to Latin Readability,” American Classical League Institute, Panel on “Evaluating Latin Readability: Methods and Future Directions”. June 26.
2022. “Error, Scale, and the Computational Redefinition of Philology,” Digital Humanities Beyond Modern English. University of Texas at Austin. Austin, TX. April 7. [abstract]
2022. “Toward a Data-driven Latin Prose Composition Course,” Society of Classical Studies Annual Meeting. San Francisco. January 8.
2021. “Latin Literary Acrostics as Information Technology,” Classical Association of the Atlantic States Annual Meeting. New Brunswick, NJ. October 14.
2021. “Sequitur, Non Sequitur: Word Prediction in the Latin Classroom,” American Classical League Institute. Online. June 21.
2021. “Conversational Agents from the Neo-Latin Colloquia to ChatterBot,” Neo-Latin Studies and Digital Humanities. Online. April 15.
2021. “Metaformalism, or Setting a Baseline for Detecting Anagrammatic Play in Ovid’s Metamorphoses,” Society of Classical Studies Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C. January 4. [abstract]
2020. “‘Poeticness’ as a Continuous Variable: Rethinking Prosaism in Horace’s Odes 4.9,” Society of Classical Studies Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C. January 4. [abstract]
2019. “Hacking Multi-word Named Entity Recognition on HathiTrust Extracted Features Data,” at ACH2019. Pittsburgh, Pa. July 23. [abstract][slides]
2019. “Crowdsourcing Open Educational Resources for Classics,” at American Classical League Institute. New York, NY. June 29.
2019. “Object-Oriented Philology,” at Digital Classics Association session on Reconnecting the Classics. Society of Classical Studies Annual Meeting. San Diego, Ca. January 5.
2018. “Lucan’s tres libri: A reconsideration of arrangement and argument in the Bellum Civile,” Classical Association of the Atlantic States Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, Pa. October 4.
2018. “Carpe DM: Twitter and the Rise of the Social Media Scholiast,” 5000 Years of Comments: The Development of Commentary from Ancient Mesopotamia to the Age of Information, Center for Hellenic Studies. August 7.
2018. “Backoff Tagging as a Philological Method,” DH2018. Mexico City, Mex. June 26. [abstract]
2017. “Mapping Library Subject Headings with the HathiTrust Extracted Features Dataset.” Digital Publication in Mediterranean Archaeology, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World. October 20.
2017. “Creating Stopword Lists for Historical Languages.” Global Philology: Big Corpora of Historical Text, Universität Leipzig. July 10. [abstract]
2017. “Virgil’s Hardest Sentence?: Measuring Readability in Latin Poetry.” Midwest Classical Literature Consortium, Ohio University. April 22. [abstract]
2017. “Classical Language Toolkit and Measuring Readability in Latin Literature.” Global Philology Open Conference, Universität Leipzig. February 22. [slides]
2016. “Erotic Distraction in Lucan’s Bellum Civile.” Annual Meeting of the Society of Classical Studies, San Francisco, Ca. January 9. [abstract]
2015. “Caesar Captivus: Elegiac Enrichment in Lucan’s Bellum Civile.” CAAS 2015 Annual Meeting, Wilmington, De. October 9. [abstract]
2014. “Carpe Iter: A Case for Latin-themed Field Trips.” CAAS 2014 Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. October 10. [abstract]
2014. “Latin for the Hearing-Impaired.” Investigating Inequalities, Graduate School Association Conference, Fordham University. April 5.
2014. “Digital Directions for a Concordance of Hellenistic Philosophy.” (Co-presented with Brian Johnson, Fordham University.) Publishing Text for a Digital Age, Tufts University. March 28.
2013. “Lucian’s Ekphrasis of the Visible and the Invisible in Imagines.” CAMWS 2013 Annual Meeting, Iowa City, Ia. April 20. [abstract]
2013. “Distant Reading Alliteration in Latin Poetry.” Word, Space, Time: Digital Perspectives on the Classical World, University at Buffalo. April 6. [abstract][code]
2013. “Pessime Planudes: Scaliger’s Cato and the Polemics of Retranslation.” Beyond Words: Translation and the Classical World, CUNY Graduate Center. March 8. [abstract]
2013. “A Non-Latin Script in the Digital Archive: Greek OCR and Google Books.” Remembering, Forgetting, Imagining: The Practices of Memory, Digital Humanities roundtable, Fordham University. March 2.
2012. “Laudatio, Lineage and Legacy in Cicero’s Brutus.” Exegi Monumentum Aere Perennius: Self-Promotion in the Ancient World, University at Buffalo. October 20. [abstract]
2012. “The Poet Who Dreamt He Was a Poet: Lucretius and the Problem of Inspiration.” And Now for Something Completely Different: Transformation and Transcendence in Antiquity, University of Wisconsin-Madison. October 13. [abstract]
2011. “Short on Erotics: Eros as Epic Hero in Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautica 3.275-298.” Desire: From Eros to Eroticism, CUNY Graduate Center, Department of Comparative Literature. November 11. [abstract]
2011. “Dice Play and Wordplay in Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautica 3.111-128.” Why So Serious?: The Past and Its Diversions, University of Michigan. April 16. [abstract]
2010. “The Hyper-Alexandrianism of Virgilian Centos and Girl Talk’s Mashups.” All Roads Lead From Rome, Rutgers University. April 9. [abstract]
Conference Posters
2024. “Determining a ‘Cultural Literacy Quotient’ for Latin Readability.” DH2024, Washington D.C. August 7. [abstract]
2019. “Bringing a Shadow Library Into the Light: Soviet-Era Scholarship on Central Asia and 21st Century Digital Collections.” ACRL 2019, Cleveland, OH. April 11. Co-written with G. Mckee and M. Naunton.
2017. “Mapping Linked Data Subject Headings in the Library Catalog.” DH2017, Montreal, Quebec. August 11. Co-written with D. Ratzan, T. Elliot, and G. Mckee. [abstract]
2014. “Distant Reading Alliteration in Latin Literature.” Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association, Chicago, Il. January 4. [abstract]
Conference Roundtables
2025. “Teaching Neo-Latin Texts by Women: Strategies and Innovations in Latin Education,” Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting,” Boston, MA. March 22. Participant.
2019. “Apollo vs. Python3: What Can Classics Learn from Computer Science (and Vice Versa)?” at American Classical League Institute. New York, NY. June 29. Organizer.
Invited Talks
2025. “The Digital Afterlife of a Dead Language: Or Recovering 34 Billion(!) Latin Words from AI Training Data,” Public Lecture at Taft Center for the Humanities, University of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, OH. February 20. [abstract]
2024. “The Impossibility of a Latin Turing Test: Reflections on Modeling Ancient Language at Scale,” *Generative AI and Ancient World Studies Public Talks at University of Reading. Reading, UK / Online. November 6.
2024. “Paradigms Shift: What Artificial Intelligence Can Teach Students About Latin,” New Hampshire Classical Association, Classics Day for Teachers. Manchester, NH. April 11.
2024. “How to Read Latin like a Computer: A Case Study of Latin Noun Chunking with spaCy,” Digital Classicist Seminar Berlin, Berliner Antike-Kolleg. January 16.
2022. “Coding as an Intellectual Craft,” Trinity University Collaborative for Teaching and Learning. October 28. [abstract]
2022. “Hello κόσμε: Philology at the Command Line,” Stanford Humanities Center The Future of the Past: Classics & Technology workshop series. April 1. [abstract]
2021. “‘Pragmatic’ Scholarship: What Coding Has Taught Me about Humanities Research,” Washington and Lee University. March 25.
2019. “ELIZA, ELIZAE: The Absurdity and (Absurd) Practicality of Latin Chatbots.” MIT Programs in Digital Humanities Seminar. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. October 24. [abstract]
2019. “Reassessing Poeticness and Synonymity in Latin Poetry.” University of California, Los Angeles. January 10.
2018. “What is an ‘Unpoetic’ Word?: Reassessing Latin Literary Criticism with Digital Methods.” University of Texas at Austin. November 29.
2018. “Backoff Lemmatization for Ancient Greek with the Classical Language Toolkit,” 2018 Digital Classicist London Seminars Series. Institute of Classical Studies. London, England. July 27.
2018. “What is an ‘Unpoetic’ Word?: Reassessing Latin Literary Criticism with Digital Methods.” University of Oklahoma. April 5.
2018. “Becoming a Digital Humanist in Graduate School.” Deconstructing the Open Greek and Latin Project: The First Thousand Years of Greek, Tufts University. January 3.
2017. “Latin in Unexpected Places.” Paideia Outreach in the CAAS Region, CAAS 2017 Annual Meeting, New York, NY. October 8. [abstract]
2017. “Exploring Diction and Topics in Latin Love Elegy.” Digital Propertius Project, Department of Classics, Yale University. May 18.
2016. “Cicero’s Hardest Sentence?: Measuring Readability in Latin Literature”. Drew University Classics Department. December 1. [abstract][code]
Digital Humanities Workshops
2024. “Teaching Latin with AI,” Expanding the Ancient World series, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World. May 2. [link].
2024. “Training NLP Pipelines for Historical Languages: Some Considerations,” Digital Classicist Seminar Berlin, Berliner Antike-Kolleg. January 16-17.
2023. “Dickinson Digital Latin Workshop,” Dickinson College. July 12-15.
2022. “Salve munde: Philology at the Command Line (or an “exploratory” approach to Latin),” Trinity University. October 27. [abstract]
2022. “Exploratory Text Analysis for Philologists,” Universität Rostock. July 11-12. [abstract]
2023-present. Editorial Board member for Journal of Open Humanities Data.
2021-present. Advisory Board member. The Bridge, Haverford College.
2020. Program Committee, reviewer. Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages (LT4HALA).
2019. Program Committee, reviewer. DH2020.
2017-present. Reviewer for DSH: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities.
2017-2018. Google Summer of Code mentor for Classical Language Toolkit.
2016-present. Committee for Public Information and Media Relations. Society for Classical Studies.
2016. Program Committee, reviewer. Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society 30th International Conference, special track for “Natural Language Processing of Ancient and other Low-resource Languages.”
2016-present. Graduate Student Award selection committee. NYC Digital Humanities.
2016-present. Steering Group. NYC Digital Humanities.
2015-present. Steering Committee. Digital Classics Association.
Grants, Awards and Honors
2022. Center for Hellenic Studies fellowship for writing and developing Exploratory Philology: Learning About Ancient Greek through Computer Programming. April and June residencies.
2019. Society for Classical Studies Classics Everywhere grant supporting public programming for local political philosophy reading group.
2018. DH2018 ADHO Bursary.
2016. Google Summer of Code stipend for development on “Latin/Greek Backoff Lemmatizer” for the Classical Language Toolkit.
2013. HASTAC Scholar.
2012. National Endowment for the Humanities/Tufts University. Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities grant.
2011. New York Classical Club. American School of Classical Studies at Athens Summer Scholarship.
Teaching Experience
Instructor, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World
Generating Antiquity: Artificial Intelligence for the Ancient World (Spring 2024)
Text Analysis for Historical Language Research (Fall 2023)
Introduction to Digital Humanities for the Ancient World (Fall 2017, Fall 2016)
Instructor, Fordham University
Latin Prose Composition (Graduate Seminar, Spring 2021)
Introduction to Latin I (Fall 2013, Fall 2010, Fall 2009); Textbooks: Learn to Read Latin; Wheelock’s Latin.
Introduction to Latin II (Spring 2014, Spring 2010); Textbooks: Wheelock’s Latin; Latin via Ovid.
Intermediate Latin (Fall 2019, Fall 2013, Fall 2012)
Latin Language & Literature (Spring 2014, Spring 2010: Curriculum Authors; Spring 2013: Ovid)
Introduction to Greek I (Fall 2011); Textbook: Greek: An Intensive Course.
Introduction to Greek II (Spring 2011) Textbook: Greek: An Intensive Course.
Greek Language & Literature (Spring 2011)
Readings in Greek (Fall 2011: Thucydides)
Greek Tutorial: Selections from the Greek Philosophers (Spring 2009)
Texts and Contexts: Myth in Greco-Roman Literature (Spring 2013)
Understanding Historical Change: Ancient Rome (Spring 2012)
Library and Scholarly Publication Experience
Special Collections Work
2017-present. Digital South Caucasus Collection. Developer.
2016-present. Digital Central Asian Archaeology Collection. Developer. [site]
Editorial Work
2016. Markup coding. Bagnall, R. et al. Oasis City. NYU Press, 2015. [link]
2010. Proofreading Latin and Greek citations. Peppard, M. The Son of God in the Roman World: Divine Sonship in Its Social and Political Context. Oxford, 2011. [site]
2008. Proofreading, compiling index locorum, checking references and bibliography. McGowan, M. Ovid in Exile: Power and Poetic Redress in the Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto. Brill, 2009. [site]
Professional Activities
2015-2016. Participant in Sunoikisis Greek & Latin Seminars at Center for Hellenic Studies; leader of common sessions on Hellenistic and Neronian/Flavian literature.
2012-2014. Founder and co-director of the Fordham Graduate Students Digital Humanities Group.
Professional Organizations
Society for Classical Studies (SCS)
Classical Association of the Atlantic States (CAAS)
Classical Association of New England (CANE)
Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO)
Forum for Classical Librarians and Scholarly Communications (FCLSC)