ISAW-GA 3024-001 | Fall 2017 | Introduction to Digital Humanities for the Ancient World
November 27 / Week 11
Publication and Digital Work | Final Project Proposals
Assignment Due
Prepare presentation for Final Project proposal. The presentation should be no more than 5 minutes long and should include the following: 1. research question; 2. related work, especially similar work being done with “analog” research methods; 3. possible datasets and their availability; 4. possible digital methods; 5. possible directions for scholarly publication or distribution.
For Class
Cavanagh. S. 2013. “Living in a Digital World: Rethinking Peer Review, Collaboration, and Open Access.” Journal of Digital Humanities 2(3). Link
Gibbs. F. 2011. “Critical Discourse in Digital Humanities.” Journal of Digital Humanities 1(1). Link