Apollo vs. Python3: What Can Classics Learn from Computer Science (and Vice Versa)?
Apollo vs. Python3: What Can Classics Learn from Computer Science (and Vice Versa)?
Abstract for affinity group/roundtable on potential interdisciplinary overlap between Classics and computer science at the 2019 American Classical League Institute on 6.29.19.
With digital resources, tools, and data for research on classical languages now widely available, we have an educational environment that is particularly well-suited for productive collaborations between Classics programs and computer science (or CS-related) programs at all levels, and especially in high-school and college/university settings. Drawing on my experience as a developer for the Classical Language Toolkit, this roundtable will provide an open forum for teachers of Latin and Greek to discuss ongoing collaborations with CS-related departments, programs, or classes at their school; mention notable successes or failures with such collaborations in the past; or brainstorm potential areas for collaborative work. Space will be left in the conversation for teachers who are curious about the overlap between Classics and computer science, but are unsure of how to bring these subjects together.